Safe & Secure Shipping!
Yes, we ship all over the world! Over the last decade we have shipped thousands of lanterns to customers in dozens of countries. Check our testimonials to see our satisfied clients from the U.K., Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, Dubai, South Africa, Iceland and more. Simply find the lanterns you need and proceed to the cart page. Select the country you want and scroll down to the ” calculate shipping” button to get a quote for the total cost of your order. This price includes FedEx International service when possible, tracking and insurance. Certain areas or locations will ship with the Postal Service. If you are satisfied with the quote, just complete the process and your lanterns are on the way. it will take 7-10 days for most orders to arrive (3-5 days for Canada). Import duties from your country may apply when receiving your shipment, Vermont Lanterns is not responsible for these charges.
We package everything securely to handle the long journey safely. Any questions or concerns, contact us via Email on the “Contact Us” page under Info & FAQ menu.
Thank you,
Vermont Lanterns Family